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        Photography Prize

        Barcelona in colour

        Hotusa Group invites amateurs and professionals to participate in the XXII Eurostars Grand Marina Photography Award 2024. Participants must compose photographic triptychs inspired by the theme "Barcelona in colour". The jury will recognise the series that, in their opinion, capture the theme with an innovative approach and technical and aesthetic quality.

        Sculptures, façades, markets, parks, monuments... All the elements of Barcelona's urban landscape make up a rich chromatic palette that gives the city its personality. The blue of the Mediterranean and the pink of the sky at sunset are just two examples of the mosaic of colours that colours Barcelona. In addition, there are others such as the green of Park Güell, the rainbow façade of Casa Batlló, the luminous spectacle of the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc and the stained-glass windows of the Sagrada Familia.

        Registration period until October 25th.

        How to participate?



        The First Prize will receive €2,500 and a trophy. The runner-up will receive the Hotusa Group Prize, valued at €1,000, and a trophy. The competition will also award eight runners-up prizes consisting of trophies and free stays at the Eurostars Hotel Company hotels of their choice.

        How to participate?


        How to participate

        Those interested in participating in the competition can do so until 25th October 2024. To do so, they must fill in the online form on the prize website and complete it by uploading a maximum of three triptychs per person. Each series must make up an artistic unit, and the file cannot exceed 6 MB.


        How to participate?


        Participate with us

        IMPORTANT: Confirmation of the submission may take a few seconds after sending the form. Please do not press the "Submit" button again until the confirmation appears at the bottom of the page, as this may cause your photos not to be sent correctly.

        *All the fields are obligatory